To the stressed-out pregnant nurse working during the COVID pandemic


To the stressed-out pregnant nurse,

The COVID pandemic has changed the atmosphere of hospitals across Canada. You diligently work hard, trying to keep up with the fast pace of the unit; sweaty masks, raw hands, and swollen feet. Holding your bladder until it’s ready to burst cause you wanna get one more task done. Going on second break cause you feel you haven’t worked hard enough to deserve it. All these thoughts have floated across your mind, and you still haven’t had your first coffee break.

Just breathe!

You have nothing to prove! You are good enough as you are. Sure your pregnant mind isn’t as sharp as today’s charge nurse; who asked you take an extra heavy load because she trusts you. You wanna tell her you’ve been having contractions since morning coffee; since the unit is heavy, you don’t complain. You go to the bathroom not only to empty your bladder, but also to shed a tear… just cause. You don’t even know why you’re crying this time, take a breath, and get back to work.

For a moment you sit at the desk cause your to-do list is done for now. In the corner of your eye, you see a junior nurse struggling. She has a stubborn patient who’s making everybody’s life difficult. Calling with another menial task, this junior nurse is obviously struggling. You go out of your way to help her, while the other nurses sit at the desk. Deep breathe!

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The end of the shift nears. Only 2 more hours left. *Smiling. * You dream of a refreshing shower and warm supper your hubby said he’ll have ready after your long shift. YES PLEASE!

Charge nurse rounds and changes your assignment. “WOW! No way!” Raising your eyebrows, eyes bulging, holding back the biggest eye-roll ever. “There has to be another nurse,” you tell her.
She explains, “This patient is suspected COVID positive. You are the only one who’s available, has enough training, and most of all I trust you!”
Take a deep breath!
Finally, your shift ends feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and dissatisfied.

You are the only one who knows the pains of your pregnant body.

You are your own advocate.

Your physical health matters!

Your mental health matters!

Love yourself!

Take your breaks!

Stay hydrated!

Go pee when your body tells you.

Advocate for yourself!

Thank you for your diligence and persistence to work during the COVID pandemic, your service maintains the health and safety of our community.

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